Policy #6: Board Policy Development, Review and Amendment Processes

6.1 Policy Development  


The Board of Trustees of the Sunrise School Division believes that the formulation, adoption, and monitoring of its written policies constitute one of the primary methods by which the Board demonstrates its leadership in the education of students.  It is through its policies that the Board provides guidance and direction for the operation of the school division.  


Policies are developed depending on responses to the following three questions:  

  • Does this policy communicate clearly the purposes of the Board?  
  • Does this policy define the Board’s instructions to the Superintendent in such a   way as to allow the Superintendent an acceptable range of implementation?  
  • How will this policy be monitored?


Policies shall be sufficiently detailed in scope and content so as to convey clearly the intent of the Board. Policies shall reflect the goals or objectives of the Board related to the operation of the School Division and shall provide latitude for administrative decision making. 

Policies may be recommended to the Board by the Superintendent and Committees of the Board.  


Once a policy has been approved by the Board, procedures and exhibits (if needed) shall be developed by the Superintendent and provided to the Board for information 


When a committee of the Board or a special committee is considering the development or revision of policy which directly affects a group of staff members, parents, and /or other groups, the committee should consider prior to recommending the policy or policy revision to the Board the need for appropriate input from these groups. If the committee deems it advisable that such input would be beneficial to the development or implementation of the policy then the committee should allow the time and the opportunity for the appropriate groups to be consulted.  



Motions at meetings or actions of the Board that seem to change, add to, or delete policy of the Division should be noted by the Secretary-Treasurer. These motions or actions should be presented to the Board at the next meeting for consideration of adoption into the Policy Manual. 


6.2 Policy Adoption  

 A simple majority vote by the Board shall be required to add, delete, or modify a policy statement in the Policy Manual. Notice of motion shall be given at least one meeting before the vote is taken.  


6.3 Policy Dissemination  

The official copy of the Board Policy Manual is the one maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer.  Once approved by the Board, the Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that the approved policy and any associated administrative procedures and exhibits be distributed to all school administrators, supervisors, and posted on the division website.  


6.4 Policy Review and Revision  

The Board of Trustees of the Sunrise School Division believes that in order to maintain a strong and relevant school system; it needs to review divisional policies on a continual basis in an effort to ensure that policies are compliant with federal and provincial laws, consistent with community values and meet the educational needs of all students.  


The Board shall review all policies, at a minimum, on a four year cycle to coincide with the term of each newly elected Board. During the course of the policy review cycle, the role of the Board and its committees shall be to determine the need for new policies and review current policies. 


6.5 Suspension of Policies  

Policy may be suspended by the unanimous agreement of the Board present at the meeting. A suspension of policy shall apply only to the particular policy relating to the matter under discussion and not to the Policy Manual as a whole. 


6.6 Archive Suspended Policies  

A policy that has been suspended will remain in the Board Policy Manual with the date of suspension listed. 


6.7 Administrative Procedures 

Administrative procedures are the delegated responsibility of the Superintendent and may be developed, altered and modified without prior approval of the Board, except in those areas specifically identified through Board policy as requiring Board approval. 




Policy 1 – Vision, Values and Mission  

Policy 2 – Board Governance Model & Process 

Policy 4 – Board Operational Goals  

Policy 7 – Board Operations  

Policy 8 – Board Member Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest  

Policy 9 – Board and Superintendent Relationship  


Date Adopted: February 2017 

Date Amended: March 2019; March 2024