Section G - Personnel
- GBA Equal Opportunity Employment
- GBAA Respectful Workplace
- GBAA-R Guidelines Respectful Workplace
- GBAA-E Respectful Workplace Complaint Form
- GBE Conflict of Interest
- GBE-R Conflict of Interest
- GBEBA Staff Dress Code
- GBEBC Scent Sensitivity
- GBEBC-R Scent Aware
- GBEC Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace
- GBEE Employee Use of Social Media
- GBEF Technology and Electronic Communication use by Employees
- GBEFA Smartphones
- GBEFA-R Smartphone Allowance
- GBG Workplace Safety and Health
- GBG-R Workplace Safety and Health. Statement of Responsibility
- GBGB Violence In The Workplace
- GBGBA Working Alone
- GBGBA-E Work Plan. Working Alone in Isolation
- GBH Staff Participation in Community Activities
- GBJ - Personnel Records
- GBJA Pledge of Confidentiality
- GBJA-E Pledge of Confidentiality
- GBJC Security Checks
- GBK Staff and Concerns
- GBL Employee and Trustee Service Recognition
- GBL-R Long Service and Retirement
- GCB Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation
- GCCA Staff Leaves and Absences
- GCCB Temporary Administrative Assignments
- GCF Professional Staff Hiring
- GCFB Selection and Appointment of School Principals and Assistant Principals
- GCFB-R Guidelines for Selection and Appointment of School Principals and Assistant Principals
- GCG Arrangements for Professional Staff Substitutes
- GCI_ProfessionalDevelopmentStaffOpportunities
- GCKA Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers
- GCNA Teacher Evaluations
- GCNA Teacher Evaluations
- GCNA-R Teacher Professional Learning Plan
- GCOC Administrator Evaluations
- GCQF Discipline And Discharge
- GCRA Non Division Employment by Professional Staff Members
- GDM Support Staff Development Opportunities
- GDO Support Staff Evaluations
- GDOA School Bus Driver Evaluation