Superintendent's Team

Our leadership team provides guidance in all areas of curriculum and maintains focus in our areas of priority: literacy, numeracy, and shaping active listeners and socially responsible citizens. All would agree that our most important role is responding to students needs.
Every leadership team decision ensures:
  • Every student receives outstanding 21st-century learning experiences and opportunities that enable learners to be knowledgeable, respectful, responsible, caring, productive and contributing citizens.
  • Every student engages in an education focusing on literacy, numeracy, relevancy and altruism.
  • Every student receives an education with experiences and opportunities that will extend and enhance student learning and competencies in communication, collaboration, creative problem solving and critical thinking.
Our leadership team includes:
  • Trevor Reid, Superintendent/CEO
  • Jody Thiessen, Secretary Treasurer
  • Lars Feilberg, Assistant Superintendent, Learning and Student Services
  • Jason Lange, Director of Human Resources